If you try to run a fresh Grails project on a F14 default install, with the default OpenJdk, as a result you’ll get this error

Error executing script RunApp: : Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
: Error starting Sun's native2ascii:

that’s because by default the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the JRE path instead of the JDK.

To fix it you could just set the JAVA_HOME to the right path issuing a

export JAVA_HOME=/etc/alternatives/java_sdk

and putting in your /etc/profile.d scripts, or just fixing the java configuration file /etc/java/java.conf and uncommenting the following line:


Happy Grails coding!

Apr 27, 2008 Update: My (updated) groovy packages are now available in the groovy download page.

Starting from the openSUSE packages made by Alexander Egger (and that you can find on the Groovy site), I’ve packaged the latest Groovy version (1.5.4) for Fedora 7 and Fedora 8.

You can dowload the rpm and the .src.rpm at the following links.



and here’s my GPG Key to verify the packages signature.

Please notice that to make groovy properly works after installing the rpm, you have to run the /etc/profile.d/groovy.sh or /etc/profile.d/groovy.csh (according to your shell) script, or simply open a new shell!